Youth Wellbeing Journey Review by Amy Charlton

Youth Wellbeing Journey Review by Amy Charlton, volunteer schools worker with CROPS, Christian schools work trust in Peterborough

We’ve been using this resource with one of our LifeGroups (for older girls), we’ve done session 1 to 3 so far and have found it very useful and good.  The group we’ve been using it with are 15-17 year old girls, who whilst mainly from a Christian background, are all at different stages in their journey of faith/relationship with God.

We have recently started an older lads group and are looking to integrate this resource there too once it becomes a bit more established.

The series features 8 sessions (currently 1 episode being released each week as it is still in production). Here is the official information about the course:

The Youth Wellbeing Journey is by young people for young people! We have created a video series to run in tandem with the Wellbeing Journey series for adults, to help young people go on the same Wellbeing Journey. Filmed from the perspective of four young people, we are hoping to see lots more young people join them and discover more of God’s plan for their own wellbeing. Every episode is a journey. There is a journey to a physical location; a journey to overcome challenges and a journey through content, all based around the six areas of wellbeing: physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, financial, and vocational wellbeing. The title of each episode is as follows:

Episode 1: God’s Plan for our wellbeing

Episode 2: The Wellbeing Mindset

Episode 3: Physical Wellbeing 

Episode 4: Emotional Wellbeing

Episode 5: Spiritual Wellbeing

Episode 6: Relational Wellbeing

Episode 7: Financial Wellbeing

Episode 8: Vocational Wellbeing

What’s included?

Living room conversations – Pause points – Journeying to locations – Reflection moments – Challenges received & acted upon – ‘Call a mentor/leader’ video – Video diaries

The Youth Wellbeing series has been a great chance for our young people to discuss and dig deeper into some specific areas in their life.  It has enabled them to ask some important questions about their wellbeing that they had not thought about before, and gave a safe space to discuss questions around their wellbeing and relationship with God.  The guest contributors piece of the videos brought great insights for the young people, helping them take away something practical from each episode.

I really reccommend this resource as a great tool to explore and develop emotional wellbeing with your youth groups.  I think it would work both in person and online.

“Wellbeing is one of the words on everyone’s lips at the minute – sometimes wrapped up in mental health conversations. But we are talking about ‘wellbeing’ – wellbeing in all its facets: emotional, physical, vocational, relational…and many more angles and dynamics. The wellbeing of young people is the biggest challenge we face and also the biggest opportunity to serve them, to help them discover God’s plan for their wellbeing. Youthscape recently highlighted a survey of 4,000 8-24 year olds in Great Britain by Barnardo’s. This found a rise in issues related to mental health and wellbeing for at least one in three of the participating children and young people. Can I urge you to engage in the wellbeing conversation and seek God for how we support young people to go on a journey to discover God’s plan for their wellbeing!” Dan Randall, Hope Together


“I love that The Wellbeing Journey thinks about us as whole people, and addresses how we thrive physically, emotionally, spiritually and in so many other ways. This is a resource for you, and your neighbours, and your friends.Whoever you are, your wellbeing matters and takes time and attention to keep healthy. I recommend this resource as a great place to start.”Miriam Swanson, Global Student Mission Leader, Fusion

“As someone immersed in the world of wellbeing and mental health, it’s great to see the Wellbeing Journey take a proactive approach to teaching resilience to young people. Prevention is always better than cure. The Wellbeing Journey covers the skills we all need to live life well, and offers them to young people. If you are wondering how best to equip young people to face the challenges of life, this is a go-to resource.” Dr Roger Bretherton, Clinical Psychologist and Associate Professor, University of Lincoln


The resource costs just £5 for a licence to use all the videos and leaders notes with one youth group.  Here’s where to find more info and the resource:






HOPE Together and KingsGate Community Church are working in collaboration with The Way to produce The Youth Wellbeing Journey