Conferences to fill you with encouragement & inspiration by Becky Lawrence

Conferences to fill you with encouragement & inspiration for your youth/kids ministry by Becky Lawrence, Youth & Kids Leader St Marks MK.


Whether you are a paid or volunteer youth/kids leader, you are called to serve youthand or kids ministry – you do it because you are passionate about children/young people and helping them reach their potential, helping them develop a faith in God and seeing God transform their characters to use them for good in their families, friendship groups, schools and their worlds!

We can all do with a bit of inspiration and opportunity to fuel our vision for our youth or kids ministry – conferences are ideal for doing just that.  They utilise experienced people to speak and share their wisdom, theres a chance to meet other youth leaders like you from across a wider area, and a chance to worship together with others who share your passion for youth work!  There is a sacrifice of a day or two of our time and a financial commitment but that is well worth it for the encouragement, empowering and refuelling that happens at these conferences.  Perhaps your church or charity can help cover the cost of your ticket?

In my experience God has really used these times to refresh my soul, fill my mind with ideas and excitement and a renewed strength to continue my ministry calling.  I want to suggest a few conferences that have helped me in my youth work.  I’ve been involved with youth work as a volunteer since 2003 and been a youth worker as my main job since 2006.  In my early youth work career I really benefited from attending Soul Net sessions that used to be run by Soul Survivor and their Soul Net conference that used to be held at Centre Parcs in Spring every year.  I also found the one day conference Youthwork Summit by Youthscape really helpful and also Youthwork the Conference that used to happen over 2 days every autumn.

In more recent years I’ve attended some training sessions with Youthscape in Luton to help my schools work practice, i’ve been to Scripture Union’s conference each year and i’ve been to Hillsong Colour Conference with women from my church every year.  This year i’ve booked onto Youthscape’s National Youth Ministry Weekend and I might try and get to one or two more as well.

I’ve had a look for you and have the dates for a bunch of conferences happening this year and next to put in your diary – even if you have another job and do youth/kids work as a volunteer there should be something that will work for you too.  If you are in the position to be able to go to all of them, good on you – but if you can only do one or two I hope my summary will help you make up your mind and let you know the options.


Hillsong Colour Conference (for women) usually in London & online 18 & 19 March 2022 – I’ve been going to this with women from church each year for a few years now and while it isn’t a youth work focused conference there is lots of content about God using you in your job and spheres which applies to any context.  Gathering with 20,000 other Christian women and worshipping together is a heavenly empowering experience.  I’ve found the conference really inspiring and God has encouraged me and spoken to me reaffirming my youth work calling at this conference, which is why i’m recommending it to other youth and kids leaders.  Here’s what they say about it:

“What’s not to love about the beauty and artistry of faith?… Faith that relentlessly weaves its way through time and history? Faith that paints colour and vibrancy across the human soul? Faith that shines brightest when circumstance and days are often at their darkest? And what’s not to love about a future that has your name written within its pages?

For those who are friends to the Colour journey, next year (2022) marks yet another new season for a bold, courageous and caring company of women. A new season of moving forward — in step with one another, in step with the Spirit of God, and in step with a world who is perhaps ready to awaken with a fierce hunger for truth, non-compromise and promise. A new season of everyday women, with a heightened sense of mandate and calling.”

Tickets for online 2022 are $59 and you get access to all the content for 2 months.


National Youth Ministry Weekend (NYMW) by Youthscape in Birmingham Fri 12- Sun 14 Nov 2021 – I haven’t been to this one yet, but I know plenty of youth leaders and workers who have.  It is the biggest gathering of youth leaders with over 1000 in attendance each year and has great speakers, content and plenty of encouraging content for both a volunteer and vocational youthwork context.  There is also opportunity for coaching, an exhibition area and more.  This years theme is First, Love, getting back to the heart of youth ministry.  Here’s what they say about it:

“Well, for starters, we will draw together more than 50 brilliant speakers, worship leaders and entertainers from across the world to inspire you.  You’ll join more than 1,000 other youth workers in our main sessions and have a huge choice of seminars and events that range from deep theological teaching to practical equipping.

You’ll have space to relax, get away from the everyday pressures and have a weekend to recharge your spiritual and physical self.  You’ll also have the chance to meet and talk with others who are facing the same challenges whether you’re working in a rural or urban setting, with a small or large youth group, or working in a particular context like school or mental health services. The weekend is put together and organised by youth workers just like you, so we understand what you need.”

Tickets for 2021 are £140 and you’ll need a hotel unless you live local to Birmingham or have friends in the area.


Youth Evangelism Conference (YEC) in Cambridge, Manchester and Scotland Saturday 5 March 2022 – The Youth Evangelism Conference is chaired by British Youth for Christ, in partnership with other Christian organisations, including Scripture Union, the Evangelical Alliance, Urban Saints, the Church of England, Hope Together, Pais Movement, Youth Alpha and The Message.  With all these charities involved it is usually a good mix of speakers and contexts represented.  The theme is as the title suggests equipping leaders to reach more young people.  I’ve been to this in Cambridge a couple of times and found it to be a really encouraging day, and its on Saturday so you don’t have to take a day off work.  Here’s what they say:

Here at The Youth Evangelism Conference we are busy beavering away preparing for YEC22 happening on the 5th March, where we will be live in Cambridge, Manchester and Scotland, as well as online!

Tickets are TBC. but you can sign up to recieve updates below.


Scripture Union Conference Fri 26- Sun 28 November 2021 Northamptonshire – If your charity or project is one of the 60+ Local Mission Partners of Scripture Union or or if you do any form of outreach with the 95% of kids and youth that aren’t currently connected to church you can sign up to be a Faith Guide which gets you coaching, and access to resources to equip you as well as an invite to their conference each year.  Their conference is invite only, so you can only go if you are connected to SU in any way – but anyone can sign up to be a Faith Guide.  I used to work for a schools trust who were an LMP of SU, and more recently i’ve signed up as a Faith Guide through my youth role at church and with Youthwork+.  The conference is annual in the autumn and usually has engaging speakers, is usually held at a hotel or conference centre and all food is provided – its a real treat to get an invite and is an inspiring experience.

If you are an LMP or Faith Guide and recieve an invite this conference is free or highly subsidised to £25, and you are either invited for the whole thing including hotel or one day including lunch.

Become a Faith Guide


Limitless Leaders by Elim in Derbyshire in Tues 18- Thurs 20 January 2022 – its for youth and kids ministry leaders, I haven’t been to it but it looks great.  Here’s what they say:

“Limitless Leaders is our Youth and Children’s workers annual conference.  This event is for all the youth and children’s workers in Churches across the nation to come and receive training and encouragement and have fun as we head into all that God has in store in 2022.

With Keynote Speakers, Youth, Children’s and Leadership seminar streams, Worship, Ministry and 1-2-1 Consultancy in the beautiful Derbyshire countryside, Limitless Leaders is the perfect opportunity to get some spiritual refreshment and practical guidance for you and your ministry.”

Tickets are £199 for shared accommodation or £214 for single accommodation if you book before 17 Dec 2021.  Tickets include access to all of the teaching sessions, 2 nights en-suite accommodation, all Meals during your stay, free Parking On-site, free Tea & Coffee All Day, free access to the gym, sports hall and outside spaces.