Jesus Died For Me Resource pack

This is a free resource pack from Scripture Union that will help you run fun, gospel-centred Easter sessions in a variety of settings.

It is brimming with ideas for making the most of the Jesus Died For Me? books and animation, and more.




The pack contains a PDF with ideas for different settings.

  • The Jesus died for me? PowerPoint presentation for use in an assembly
  • A link to the Jesus died for me? animation which is also free and can be downloaded from the Scripture Union website.


It provides churches and Christian groups with ways to effectively use Jesus died for me? across different settings and ages. Exploring the Eater Story with both children with a faith background and with children with no faith background.

It helps children understand the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection. To connect and engage with children and their families during the Easter season.

The PDF contains:

Suggestions for using Jesus died for me? in the context of an Easter celebration event for children aged 8 to 11.

A Jesus died for me? group session outline, aimed at children aged 5 to 11, with suggestions for including under-5s.

A Jesus died for me? assembly outline for children aged 8 to 11.

Link to the resource:

Jesus Died for Me? Resource Pack | Scripture Union