Soul quenching personal devotions & reflections for youth/kids leaders by Becky Lawrence

Soul Quenching personal devotions & reflections for youth/kids leaders from The Resource recommended by Becky Lawrenc, Youth and Kids worker at St Mark’s MK, and founder of Youthwork+


As we start a new term I think it’s really important that we make the time to refresh, refuel and revitalise our passion for youth/kids work. This is even more important, especially after the last 18 months+ of pandemic and restrictions and the impact it’s had on each of us as leaders and on our youth/kids work.  Make the time to focus on some specific soul quenching resources and tools and you and your ministry will be stronger because of it and you will be much less likely to burn out!


12 Devotions Exploring the Life of Jesus – a 14 page 12 session devotional for you personally or perhaps your youth/kids team to do together.  Exploring the life of Jesus using the verses about his resurrection appearances from across the gospels, Ali adds his own thoughts to help us think about the context and the application of the Bible passages to help us live full of goodness, peace and joy and the life God intended.  more info and a download of the devotional can be found here


5 Tools for Finding Peace – Peace can be hard to find, especially in the midst of everything on our plate, and the negative news stories we hear.  In the chaos of life it is important to find peace, and God promises it is possible – this bookmark tool will help you reflect on Bible verses and help you find a way back to a God given feeling of peace.  More info and a free download of the bookmark can be found here


Personal Growth tool for life in its fullness – is a brief pdf with some key questions to ask yourself about your own journey and way of working as well as wider in your ministry.  Its really important that we have a good work/life/ministry balance and find the time to do things we enjoy to fuel us and that we keep developing as leaders, these questions should help you to start to think about this.  More info and a download of the resource can be found here


Personal Reflection & priorities (Traffic Lights) – this is a simple tool for evaluating personally or as a team on a particular ministry.  Using the traffic light colours, explore Green for things you should be doing or want to continue doing, Amber for the dreams, would like to do’s and not yets, and Red for the activities maybe you need to stop to be able to pick up some of the Amber dream activities you havent been able to start.  More info and for the pdf outlining the whole tool go to


Check out The Resource and the other things Ali offers here