Beyond Beans On Toast

Are you heading off to Uni? Do you know someone who is? Beyond Beans on Toast helps students make the most of their time at university.

This is a fantastic tool for churches and youth leaders to give to students heading to university.

A new addition has come out this year with lots of new content. This book provides tips to make the transition smoother, recipes that make the budget taste sweeter.


It has lots of delicious new recipes with photos and recipe breakdown about how to cook things.

The new edition has got a dietary requirements key. This enables a lot of the recipes to be swapped up to make them; gluten free; dairy free; vegan or vegetarian.




There is advice about making the most of university life; advice about what to do with your time; how to study well and getting the balance right.

Then a section with six new stories of students who went to university far from Jesus.  The students share about how they came to know Jesus, through his work and power in lots of different ways.


This is a fantastic resource for Christian young people, it would be practical for them and build them up in their faith.

It’s also been designed to give away to those who are not Christian, making it a great evangelistic tool for Christian young people to pass on to non-Christian friends they meet at university.

Here is Claire Povey, the author, taking about the new edition: Beyond Beans on Toast Author Introduction – YouTube

Link to the resource: Beyond Beans on Toast — Festive